I am honored to have hosted at Panthéon-Assas University a conference organized on 16 January 2023 by the French National Financial Prosecuting office (parquet national financier or PNF) and the Centre de formation permanente, and to have been part of the panel. A successful event and great achievement for our “Compliance Officer” diploma.
The same day, the PNF issued its new guidelines concerning the convention judiciaire d’intérêt public (CJIP), the French equivalent to the US and UK deferred prosecution agreement.
An official English translation of new guidelines is available here.
A very rich programme, with conclusive remarks by Mr. François Molins, France’s highest ranking prosecutor.
As I stressed in my comments, some of which have been recorded in this article published in Dalloz Actualités, the revised PNF guidelines are very much inspired from the US model, inasmuch as they strongly incentivize self-disclosure.
Article uploaded to my website with the publisher’s kind authorization. See initial online publication here.